'An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field' - Niels Bohr

     Independent Geooscientific Reseach Agency is not the service company, however our team can provide following mining related services for our partners:
  • Mining and exploration crisis project management. Projects ‘ambulance’(!). Project should be profitable!

  • Business oriented design and review of exploration program. Remember always that exploration program should be designed exactly to reach your business targets but not just survey and drill;

  • Management of exploration projects in situation of low funding;

  • Mining projects due diligence, including reccomendation on projects acquisition;

  • Geological and resources models design;

  • Exploration database maintain and management. Remember that exploration data is the main active of mining company. Deposit is exist only when it is explored!

  • Exploration projects valuation and technical due diligence;

  • QA/QC flow sheets design and QA/QC problems solution;

  • Exploration projects valuation and technical due diligence;

  • Mining projects on sale/ on buy technical support.

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