Our current projects
Our current projects are on the junction of industry, research and
education with concentration on several very specific subject-matters,
which are extremely important for professionals and non professionals
working in the mining industry but usually are very difficult for
understanding due to high scientific component.
- Geostatistic
analysis for gold projects resource/reserve estimation.
Geostatistics is a branch of statistics focusing on spatial or
spatiotemporal datasets developed originally to predict probability
distributions of ore grades for mining operations;
- Sampling
and Quality assurance/quality control approaches. The
objectives of Quality Assurance and Quality Control programs is to
ensure that data from sampling, assaying, and recording of geological
observations are of high integrity for the purpose of obtaining
reliable mineral resource and reserve estimates;
- Valuation
of mining projects, especially on the early stages of the
projects (in mining, valuation is the process of determining the value
or worth of a mining property).