'The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it'
- Neil deGrasse Tyson

Research focuses

Our research focuses cover a wide range of topics, but we are trying to be concentrated on solving the problems that we have faced as a result of our industrial experience.

  • Orogenic style gold deposits of East African Proterozoic terranes. East African Orogenic style gold deposits are localized in metamorphic terrains of Mozambique Belt. Artisanýs boom, which happened in the eastern part of Tanzania at the beginning of 2000th, generated the interest in this type of deposits from the side of the international companies. However, still now no one of these projects did not become to an industrial. And.... That is clear why! East African Orogenic style gold deposits have several features which make them different from other styles of mineralization.. 

  • What does mining project valuation really mean? There are many various methods used in the valuation of exploration and mining properties and that is simply interesting how to predict the price the property will be/ may be sold. How does it work?

  •  Resource and geological modeling. That is good when deposit is simple. You can apply geological model and design resource model which is based on geological model. But what to do when you cannot correlate even neighbor holes? What is wrong? Core logging? Geology of deposit is to complicate? Such cases are the subject of our scientific interest.

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